Istanbul Aydin University (IAU) является ведущим университетом в Стамбуле, Турция, предлагающим широкий спектр программ обучения в различных областях знаний. Istanbul Aydin University был основан в 2007 году и получил свое название в честь великого османского ученого и философа Мухаммеда Айдына. За короткое время своего существования университет зарекомендовал себя как учебное заведение, предлагающее качественное образование и академическую передовую научную деятельность. Istanbul Aydin University находится в сердце Стамбула, одном из крупнейших и исторически значимых городов в мире. Благодаря своему местоположению в историческом и культурном центре города, студенты имеют доступ к богатому культурному наследию и возможности погрузиться в уникальную атмосферу Стамбула. Istanbul Aydin University предлагает множество преимуществ для своих студентов. Университет активно сотрудничает с ведущими отраслевыми компаниями и предоставляет студентам возможности для практического опыта и стажировок. Он также ориентирован на инновации и предлагает современные образовательные программы, сочетающие академическую теорию с практическим применением. Одной из особенностей Istanbul Aydin University является наличие программ обучения на английском языке. Это предоставляет возможность для международных студентов получить качественное образование на английском языке и войти в международное образовательное сообщество. Университет также активно поддерживает стартапы и предпринимательство, поощряя студентов воплощать свои идеи в жизнь и развивать предпринимательские навыки. Istanbul Aydin University имеет талантливый преподавательский состав, состоящий из признанных ученых и экспертов в различных областях. Университет также гордится своими успешными выпускниками, которые достигли выдающихся результатов в академической и профессиональной сферах. Istanbul Aydin University предлагает широкий спектр программ, включая бакалавриат, магистратуру и докторскую степень в таких областях, как инженерия, информационные технологии, экономика, право, медиа и коммуникации, дизайн, психология и многие другие. Istanbul Aydin University достиг высоких показателей в рейтингах и заслужил признание за свое образование и научные достижения. Университет активно участвует в научных исследованиях и предоставляет современные условия для обучения и исследовательской деятельности. Istanbul Aydin University предоставляет разнообразные варианты проживания для студентов, включая общежития на кампусе с удобствами, которые обеспечивают комфорт и безопасность студентов. Это предоставляет возможность жить вблизи университетской среды и общаться с другими студентами. Почему выбрать Istanbul Aydin University? Istanbul Aydin University предлагает студентам высококачественное образование в культурной столице Турции. Университет сочетает академическую теорию с практическим применением и предоставляет возможность развития профессиональных навыков и получения опыта в сотрудничестве с отраслевыми компаниями. Благодаря своему международному подходу и наличию программ на английском языке, Istanbul Aydin University является привлекательным вариантом для студентов, стремящихся получить качественное образование в международной среде. |
Бакалавриат Accounting and finance management (turkish) Advertisement (turkish) Arabic language teaching ( turkish) Architecture (turkish) Art and culture management (turkish) Audiology (turkish) Aviation management (in english) Business administration (turkish) Business administration (in english) Cartoon and animation (turkish) Child development (turkish) Child development (turkish) Computer and instructional technologies education (turkish) Computer engineering (in english) Dentistry ( turkish) Drama and acting (turkish) Economics and finance (turkish) Electrical and electronic engineering (in english) Elementary education teaching (turkish) English language and literature (english) English language teacher education (english) English translator and translator (english) Fashion and textile design (english) Food engineering (turkish) Food technology (turkish) Gastronomy and culinary arts (turkish) Graphic design (turkish) Health management (turkish) History (turkish) Industrial design (turkish) Industrial engineering (in english) Interior design (turkish) International trade and finance (english) Journalism (turkish) Law (turkish) Management information systems (turkish) Mechanical engineering (turkish) Medicine (turkish) Nursing (turkish) Nutrition and dietetics (turkish) Physiotherapy and rehabilitation (turkish) Political Science and international relations (in english) Preschool teacher education (turkish) Primary mathematics education (turkish) Psychological counseling and guidance (turkish) Psychology (turkish) Public relations and publicity (turkish) Radio-television and cinema (turkish) Russian translator and translation (russian) Social work (turkish) Sociology (turkish) Software engineering (in english) Special education teacher (turkish) Sports management (turkish) Textile engineering (turkish) Turkish education (turkish)
Магистратура Accounting and auditing (with thesis) turkish Arabic language training (with thesis) turkish Architectural design (without thesis) turkish Architecture (with thesis) turkish Banking and insurance (without thesis) turkish Banking and insurance (with thesis) turkish Business administration (in english) (with thesis) Business administration (with thesis) turkish Business management for business manager (in english) Business management for business manager (without thesis) turkish Civil engineering (with thesis) turkish Civil engineering construction and project management (without thesis) turkish Computer engineering (with thesis) turkish Education administration (without thesis) turkish Education administration (with thesis) turkish Educational program and instruction (without thesis) turkish Educational program and instruction (with thesis) turkish Electrical and electronic engineering (with thesis) english Electrical and electronic engineering (with thesis) turkish Elementary education teaching (without thesis) turkish Elementary education teaching (with thesis) turkish English language and literature (with thesis) english Family counseling (without thesis) turkish Family counseling (with thesis) turkish Food engineering (with thesis) turkish Food safety (with thesis) turkish Graphic design (with thesis) turkish Healthcare management (without thesis) turkish Healthcare management (with thesis) turkish Health physics (with thesis) turkish History (with thesis) turkish Human resource management (without thesis) turkish Human resource management (with thesis) turkish Information technology (without thesis) turkish Information technology law (with thesis) turkish International economy (without thesis) (turkish) International relations and intelligence studies (with thesis) (turkish) International relations and terrorism research (with thesis) (turkish) It is based on teaching technologies (without thesis) (turkish) Local governments and decentralization (without thesis) (turkish) Local governments and decentralization (with thesis) (turkish) Mechanical engineering (with thesis) (turkish) Mechatronics engineering (with thesis (turkish)) Occupational health and safety (without thesis) (turkish) (turkish) Occupational health and safety (with thesis) (turkish) Performing arts (with thesis) (turkish) Physiotherapy and rehabilitation (with thesis) (turkish) Political science and international relations (in english) (with thesis) Private law (without thesis) (turkish) Private law (with thesis) (turkish) Psychology (without thesis) (turkish) Psychology (with thesis) (turkish) Public law (with thesis) (turkish) Public relations and publicity (with thesis) (turkish) Quality management and quality assurance systems (without thesis) (turkish) Quality management and quality assurance systems (with thesis) (turkish) Sociology (with thesis) (turkish) Strategic marketing and brand management (without thesis) (turkish) Television and film (with thesis) (turkish) Translation and interpreting (turkish - russian) (with thesis) Turkish language and literature (with thesis) (turkish) Urban design (without thesis) (turkish) Urban renewal (with thesis) (turkish)
PhD, докторантура Accounting and auditing (turkish) Architecture (turkish) Business management (turkish) Civil engineering (turkish) Computer engineering (turkish) English language and literature (in english) Food engineering (turkish) Food safety (turkish) Design art qualification (turkish) Occupational health and safety (turkish) Political Science and international relations (in english) Private law (turkish) Prosthodontics (turkish) Public relations and publicity (turkish)
Associate programs Applied english-turkish translation (in english) Applied russian-Turkish translation (russian) Applied Spanish-turkish translation (spanish) Architectural restoration (turkish) Audiometry (turkish) Automotive technology aviation technologies (turkish) Banking and insurance (turkish) Business management (turkish) Business management (in english) (turkish) Child development (turkish) Civil air transport management (turkish) Civil aviation cabin services (turkish) Civil aviation management (in english) Civil technology (turkish) Computer programming (turkish) Computer programming (in english) Construction techonogies (turkish) cooking (turkish) Dental prosthesis technology (turkish) Dialysis (turkish) Disabled care and rehabilitation (turkish) Electricity (turkish) Electro neurophysiology (turkish) Electronic technology (turkish) Fashion design (turkish) First and emergency aid technician (turkish) Food quality control analysis (turkish) Food technology (turkish) Foreign trade (turkish) Foreign trade (in english) Graphic design (turkish) Hair care and beauty services (turkish) Health institutions management (turkish) Human resource management (turkish) Jewellery and jewelry design (turkish) Local administrations (turkish) Logistics (turkish) Marketing (turkish) Mechanical (turkish) Medical and business documentation (turkish) Medical imaging techniques (turkish) Medical laboratory technics (turkish) Occupational health and safety (turkish) Occupational health and safety (ue) (turkish) Office management and executive assistantship (turkish) Opticians (turkish) Oral and dental health (turkish) Orthopedic prosthetics and orthotics (turkish) Pathology laboratory techniques (turkish) Perfusion techniques (turkish) Photography and camera-manship (turkish) Physiotherapy (turkish) Public relations and advertising (turkish) Public relations and publicity (turkish) Radio and television programming (turkish) Radiotherapy (turkish) Shoe design and production (turkish) Social services (turkish) Surgery services (turkish) |
Istanbul Aydin University предлагает разнообразные варианты проживания для студентов, обеспечивая комфорт и удобства. Вот несколько вариантов проживания, доступных в университете:
Важно отметить, что указанные цены являются приблизительными и могут варьироваться в зависимости от местоположения, условий проживания и длительности пребывания студента. Istanbul Aydin University предлагает разнообразные варианты проживания, которые соответствуют потребностям и предпочтениям студентов. Выбор варианта проживания зависит от личных предпочтений и бюджета студента. Университет стремится обеспечить комфортные условия проживания и удовлетворить потребности студентов во время их учебы в Istanbul Aydin University. |